Bio Green of Baltimore Lawn Care Services

Professional Care Services & Expertise for Your Best Lawns

Get Started with our Lawn Care Services

Proper nutrition is essential to maintain a lush, rich looking lawn. Bio Green of Baltimore will develop a program that is designed to meet the specific needs of your lawn. Not every lawn is the same. Soil conditions, climate, temperature and watering are some of the factors that must be considered for the proper nutrition for your lawn. A Bio Green service professional will ensure that all of these factors are evaluated so that you will have a green, healthy, and weed & pest free lawn throughout the year.


  • Seeding
  • Thatch Control
  • Core Aeration
  • Spring Green-Up
  • Seasonal Lawn Care Services
  • On Time Services
  • Residential
  • Commercial


  • Natural Fertilizing Applications for Trees, Shrubs, Ornamentals, Flowers, Gardens
Bio Green Lawn Care

The Natural Solution for Lawns

Bio Green natural fertilizers are environmentally responsible, waterway friendly, child and pet safe fertilizers.

 >Bio Green Fertilizer FAQ’s


Least Toxic Best Management Practices (BMP’s):

  • Insect Control
  • Weed Control
  • Grub Control
  • Disease Control

Bio Green of Baltimore natural fertilizing services will make your lawn, trees and shrubs green, healthy and beautiful in an environmentally safe manner. Professional applications are applied by licensed and insured local lawn care Bio Green Service Technicians.

Schedule Your Free Lawn Evaluation

Turf type identification
Turf health assessment

  • Assess stressed areas
  • Weeds
  • Insects
  • Diseases
Tree and Shrub Identification
Tree and Shrub Health Assessment

  • Assess signs of stress
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Insects
  • Disease
  • Flower and Landscape Plant Identification 
  • Flower and Landscape Plant Health Assessment

After a complete evaluation, our lawn technician will review the lawn evaluation and discuss the service options available for caring for the nutritional and health needs of your lawn and landscape.

Flexible Lawn Service Plans

five star rating

“Great customer service!!! Educated me about the needs of my lawn, provided me a blueprint of the steps it took to get a healthy green lawn and then delivered on his promise a green healthy lawn.” -D. Jackson (Porch)